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Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging
Welcome to Reveal Ultrasound Studio, where we specialize in providing high-quality diagnostic ultrasound imaging services. Our comprehensive ultrasound offerings include abdominal, breast, OB/GYN, carotid, venous duplex doppler, soft tissue lumps, scrotal, kidney, and thyroid ultrasounds. Our skilled, compassionate team performs each exam with advanced technology to ensure accurate results that support your healthcare provider's diagnostic needs. A physician's order is required for all diagnostic ultrasound procedures. At Reveal Ultrasound Studio, we are committed to delivering clear, reliable imaging in a comfortable and professional environment.
Insurance Now Accepted for Diagnostic Ultrasound Exams at Reveal Ultrasound Studio & Spa!
At Reveal Ultrasound Studio & Spa, we are pleased to announce that we now accept insurance for ultrasound exams. We believe everyone deserves quality healthcare, regardless of financial situation. By accepting insurance, we aim to reduce the financial burden of ultrasound services, allowing patients to benefit from our advanced technology and expertise. If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, please reach out to us. We’re here to make healthcare more accessible than ever.
Notice we do not get pre-authorization for any insurance plans. If your insurance requires a preauthorization you must obtain that on your own.
List of Diagnostic Exams
Click the + sign to see available diagnostic exams, including details about each exam, the diagnosis, and patient preparations. The cash price will be shown. An extra $65.00 will be added for the radiologist's interpretation of your results.
Complete includes aorta, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, CBD, kidneys, and spleen.
Limited: Includes gallbladder, pancreas, liver, and ducts
Prep required: NPO for 6-8 hours
Cash Pay Price: 150
Evaluate for AAA
Back pain, family or personal history of AAA, pulsatile abdominal mass, smoking history, vascular disease, Medicare screening.
Prep required: NPO 6-8 hours
Cash Pay Price: $150
Breast ultrasound for a palpable lump or breast pain only. Limited exams.
Cash Pay Price: $150 each
Note : We cannot perform an ultrasound that is needed from a mammogram call back since we do not have the mammogram images to compare with. These must be done where the mammogram was performed.
Evaluation of carotid arteries.
Stroke or (TIA), a follow-up test, or a bruit.
Prep Required: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $200
Bilateral- Duplex scan of the upper or lower extremities on both sides to evaluate the patency of the veins.
Cash Pay Price: $350
Unilateral- Duplex scan of the upper or lower extremities on one side to evaluate the patency of the veins.
Cash Pay Price: $200
These can be done for Swelling, elevated D-dimer, pain.
Prep Required: No prep required
Ultrasound performed for a palpable mass or pain in area concern, popliteal fossa non-vascular, limited, anatomic specific.
Must specify which extremity and location or area of concern.
Prep Required: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $150
Ultrasound to include both kidneys and bladder.
Diagnosis: Abnormal renal function, hematuria, follow-up mass or cyst, back pain, recurrent UTI, renal disease, or insufficiency.
Prep required: NPO 6 hours. Drink 20 ounces of water 1 hour prior to exam.
Cash Pay Price: $150
Evaluates uterus, ovaries and adnexa.
Diagnosis: Post-menopausal bleeding, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, menstrual concerns, fibroids, cysts, ovarian or uterine cancers.
Prep required: Arrive with a full bladder. Drink at least 32 ounces of water 1 hour prior to exam. Do not urinate prior.
Cash Pay Price: $150
Diagnosis: Dates and viability for a fetus less than 14 weeks. Routine normal pregnancy, bleeding, pain in first trimester.
Prep required: Arrive with a full bladder. Drink at least 32 ounces of water 1 hour prior to exam. Do not urinate prior.
Cash Pay Price: $150
Anatomy scan for a fetus greater than 18 weeks
Prep required: Arrive with a full bladder. Drink at least 24 ounces of water 1 hour prior to exam. Do not urinate prior.
Cash Pay Price: $200
Includes placenta survey, position, cervical length, fetal heart rate and fluid assessment.
Reassessment of anatomy not seen on previous exam. No fetal growth measurements will be done.
Prep required: Arrive with a full bladder. Drink at least 24 ounces of water 1 hour prior to exam. Do not urinate prior.
Cash Pay Price: $150
Re-check growth, or if diagnosis is to re-check a known or previously seen abnormality. Must also do growth biometry and AFI (HC, BPD, AC, FL, AFI, HR, or first trimester measurements)
Prep required: Arrive with a full bladder. Drink at least 24 ounces of water 1 hour prior to exam. Do not urinate prior.
Cash Pay Price: $150
An ultrasound test done after 28 weeks that is designed to assess four different fetal components:
Fetal gross body movement
Fetal muscle tone
Fetal breathing movements
Amniotic fluid volume
Prep Required: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $150
Evaluation of sacral dimple. Must be less than 6 months old.
Diagnosis: Sacral dimpling
Prep: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $150
Evaluate a palp mass.
Prep Required: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $150
Both testicles, epididymis and scrotal sac will be evaluated. Color doppler will be used to evaluate blood flow.
Diagnosis: Pain, swelling, redness, palpable mass, injury.
Prep Required: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $150
Thyroid gland and surrounding neck will be imaged.
Diagnosis: Enlarged thyroid, palpable mass, abnormal thyroid enzymes, abnormalities seen on other modalities, dysphasia.
Prep Required: No prep required
Cash Pay Price: $150
List of Accepted Insurance Companies
Ameriban Solutions
Bankers Life
Bear River Mutual
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Cypress Care
Eighth Dist
Equitable life
First Healh
GEHA Group Benefit Administrators
Health Utah
Health Choice
Health Wise
Healthy U
Health Net
Indian Health Service Imagine Health (Wise Provider)
Liberty Mutual (workers comp)
Mail Handlers (Cigna) '
Medicaid Traditional
Met Life
Missionary Med
Motive Health
Mutual of Omaha
Multi Plan
Operating Engineers
Select Health
U of U health Plans
United Health Care
WCF of Utah
Wise provider network